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how to update vinyl siding

How to Update Vinyl Siding Like a Pro

Vinyl siding has become a popular choice for homeowners due to its durability, affordability, and low maintenance. However, even the best siding can benefit from an update over time. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to update vinyl siding, giving your home a fresh and appealing look.

Updating vinyl siding can revitalize the exterior of your home, enhancing its curb appeal and protecting it from the elements. Whether you want to replace damaged sections, change the color, or incorporate energy-efficient features, we’ve got you covered. With our easy-to-understand instructions, you can confidently take on this home remodeling project.

Get ready to give your home a new lease on life and let’s dive into the process of updating vinyl siding like a pro!

Reasons for Updating Vinyl Siding

Updating your vinyl siding can bring a host of benefits to your home, both aesthetically and functionally. Whether you’ve had the same siding for years or recently purchased a home with worn-out siding, here are compelling reasons why updating vinyl siding is a wise investment:

Increased Home Value

  1. Enhanced Curb Appeal: Over time, vinyl siding can fade, become discolored, or show signs of wear and tear. Updating to fresh, new siding instantly revitalizes your home’s exterior, boosting its curb appeal and making it stand out in the neighborhood.
  1. Increased Home Value: A well-maintained and attractive exterior significantly impacts your home’s value. Upgrading vinyl siding not only adds to the overall worth of your property but also makes it more appealing to potential buyers if you decide to sell in the future.
  1. Improved Energy Efficiency: Older vinyl siding may lack adequate insulation, leading to energy loss and higher utility bills. By updating to insulated vinyl siding, you can enhance your home’s energy efficiency, providing better temperature regulation and potential cost savings on heating and cooling.
  1. Enhanced Protection: Siding serves as a protective barrier against the elements. If your current siding is cracked, warped, or damaged, updating to new siding ensures your home remains shielded from weather-related threats, preventing potential water infiltration and structural issues.
  1. Low Maintenance: While vinyl siding is renowned for its low maintenance requirements, older siding might need more frequent repairs and upkeep. By updating to modern vinyl siding with superior materials and technology, you can enjoy a more durable and hassle-free exterior.

How Much Does Vinyl Siding Cost?

The cost of vinyl siding can vary based on several factors. The type of siding you choose plays a significant role in determining the overall cost, with traditional vinyl siding generally being more budget-friendly, while insulated siding may come at a higher price point. The quality and thickness of the siding material also influence the cost, with premium grades offering better durability and weather resistance. 

The size and complexity of your home impact the amount of materials needed and the labor required, affecting the overall expense. If old siding needs removal and disposal before installation, additional fees may apply. Labor costs can vary by location and the contractor’s experience. 

Customization and additional features, such as trim and accessories, add to the total cost but can elevate the look of your siding update. Consider the warranty provided by the manufacturer and contractor, and invest in high-quality materials to potentially reduce long-term maintenance costs. Obtaining vinyl siding quotes from reputable contractors will help you make a well-informed decision that aligns with your budget and home improvement goals.

Preparing for the Update

Before diving into updating your vinyl siding, proper preparation is essential for a successful project. Taking the time to plan and gather the necessary tools and materials will streamline the process and ensure you’re ready to tackle the task like a pro.

Gathering Tools and Materials

To begin, make sure you have all the required tools and materials on hand. Here’s a checklist to help you get started:

Gathering Tools and Materials

Replacement Vinyl Siding: Purchase enough vinyl siding panels to cover the area you plan to update. Ensure they match the style and color of your existing siding for a cohesive look.

Fasteners: Choose appropriate nails or screws that are recommended for vinyl siding installation. Stainless steel or galvanized fasteners are ideal to prevent rust and corrosion.

Pry Bar and Hammer: These tools will come in handy for removing any damaged or old siding during the update.

Power Washer: A power washer can be used to thoroughly clean your vinyl siding before starting the update. Remember to adjust the pressure settings to avoid damage.

Cleaning Solutions: Mild soap and water are effective for routine dirt and grime, while specialized vinyl siding cleaners can help remove tougher stains.

Safety Equipment: Always prioritize safety. Wear gloves, safety goggles, and other protective gear to protect yourself during the update.

Taking Safety Precautions

Safety should be a top priority during any home improvement project. When updating your vinyl siding, keep the following safety tips in mind:

Use Ladders Safely: If you need to work at heights, ensure that your ladder is stable and placed on level ground. Have someone assist you, if possible.

Watch for Electrical Hazards: Be cautious around electrical outlets and fixtures, especially when using power tools.

Cleaning and Prepping Vinyl Siding

Cleaning your vinyl siding thoroughly is a crucial step in the update process. Over time, dirt, mold, mildew, and other debris can accumulate on the surface, impacting its appearance and potentially causing damage if left unattended. Proper cleaning ensures a clean canvas for the update and enhances the overall effectiveness of the new siding installation.

Cleaning Vinyl Siding

Recommended Cleaning Solutions and Techniques

To clean your vinyl siding effectively, start with a mixture of mild soap and water. This solution is generally sufficient for routine dirt and grime. Mix the solution in a bucket, and use a soft-bristled brush or a sponge to scrub the siding gently. Remember to rinse off the soap residue thoroughly with clean water to avoid streaks.

For more stubborn stains and buildup, consider using specialized vinyl siding cleaners available in the market. These cleaners are formulated to tackle mold, mildew, and other tough stains without harming the vinyl surface. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety guidelines when using cleaning solutions.

Power Washing Tips

A power washer can be a powerful tool for cleaning your vinyl siding, especially for large or heavily soiled areas. However, improper use can cause damage to the siding or even force water underneath it. To avoid any issues, follow these power washing tips:

Adjust Pressure: Use a low-pressure setting to prevent damage to the vinyl surface. High pressure can crack or chip the siding.

Maintain Distance: Keep the nozzle of the power washer at least 12 inches away from the siding while cleaning. This distance ensures safe and effective cleaning without causing harm.

Work from Top to Bottom: Start cleaning from the top of the siding and work your way down. This prevents dirt and debris from getting trapped in areas that have already been cleaned.

Test in an Inconspicuous Area: Before starting the full cleaning process, test the power washer on a small, inconspicuous section of the siding to ensure it doesn’t cause damage.

Avoid Direct Spraying: Do not spray water directly into gaps between the siding panels, as this can lead to water infiltration.

Repairing Damaged Vinyl Siding

Before proceeding with the vinyl siding update, it’s crucial to address any damages or issues on your existing siding. Repairing damaged sections ensures a smooth and seamless installation of the new siding, and it helps maintain the overall integrity and appearance of your home’s exterior.

Repairing Damaged Vinyl Siding

Patching Holes and Cracks

Small holes and cracks in your vinyl siding can occur due to various reasons, such as impact damage, weathering, or wear and tear. Fortunately, patching these imperfections is a relatively straightforward process.

To patch small holes or cracks:

Clean the Area: Thoroughly clean the damaged area to remove any dirt or debris.

Apply Vinyl Patching Material: Use a vinyl patching material or caulk specially designed for vinyl siding. Fill the hole or crack, ensuring the material is evenly distributed.

Smooth and Blend: Smooth the patched area with a putty knife or your finger to create an even surface. Try to blend the patch with the surrounding siding for a seamless finish.

Replacing Severely Damaged Sections

For severely damaged sections of vinyl siding, patching may not be enough, and replacement becomes necessary. Common scenarios that require replacement include large holes, extensive cracks, or siding that has warped or become loose.

To replace damaged vinyl siding:

Remove the Damaged Section: Use a pry bar to carefully remove the damaged siding. Start at the top and work your way down to avoid causing additional damage.

Measure and Cut: Measure the size of the replacement siding needed and use tin snips or a utility knife to cut the new piece to the correct dimensions.

Install the New Siding: Slide the replacement piece into place, making sure it fits snugly with the adjacent siding. Nail it securely, but not too tight, to allow for slight expansion and contraction due to temperature changes.

Check for Level and Alignment: Ensure the new siding is level and aligned properly with the rest of the siding for a seamless appearance.

When siding sits too close to the ground, it invites moisture-related problems like wood rot and mold. Prevent these issues by ensuring proper drainage, adding moisture barriers, and maintaining adequate spacing between the siding and ground. For detailed solutions, consult our guide on fixing siding near ground level.

Choosing the Right Vinyl Siding

Selecting the appropriate vinyl siding is a crucial step in your update project. With a wide range of options available in the market, it’s essential to consider various factors to ensure you choose the siding that best suits your needs, preferences, and budget.

Types of Vinyl Siding Available

Vinyl siding comes in different types, each offering its own set of advantages and features. Here are the common types of vinyl siding you can consider:

Traditional Vinyl Siding: This is the most widely used type of vinyl siding, known for its affordability and ease of installation. It comes in various colors and styles, making it suitable for a broad range of homes.

Insulated Vinyl Siding: If you’re looking to enhance energy efficiency and reduce utility costs, insulated vinyl siding is an excellent option. It contains a layer of foam insulation that helps improve your home’s thermal performance.

Vertical Vinyl Siding: Vertical siding provides a unique and modern look to your home’s exterior. It’s an excellent choice for accent walls or to add visual interest to specific areas of your house.

Factors to Consider

When choosing vinyl siding for your update, keep these essential factors in mind:

Durability: Look for siding with good impact resistance and weather resistance to ensure it withstands various environmental conditions.

Color and Style: Vinyl siding comes in an array of colors and styles. Select a color that complements your home’s design and matches your personal taste.

Insulation: If energy efficiency is a priority, opt for insulated vinyl siding. It can help reduce heating and cooling costs and create a more comfortable indoor environment.

Maintenance: Vinyl siding is generally low maintenance, but some styles may require more attention than others. Consider your willingness and ability to maintain the siding over time.

Budget: Determine your budget for the project and explore vinyl siding options within your price range.

Proper Vinyl Siding Installation Techniques

Proper installation is key to achieving a professional-looking update for your vinyl siding. Whether you’re a seasoned DIYer or tackling this project for the first time, following the right techniques will ensure a successful and long-lasting result.

Vinyl Siding Installation

Step-by-Step Guide to Installation

Prepare the Surface: Ensure the surface of your exterior walls is clean, dry, and free from any debris. Repair any damaged areas and check for signs of rot or mold that may need to be addressed before installation.

Install a Moisture Barrier: Before installing the siding, consider adding a moisture barrier, such as house wrap, to provide an additional layer of protection against water infiltration.

Start at the Bottom: Begin the installation at the bottom of the wall. Secure the first piece of siding with nails or screws, leaving a small gap to allow for thermal expansion and contraction.

Use Level and Straight Lines: Use a level and chalk line to ensure your siding is installed in straight, level rows. This will help maintain a neat and even appearance.

Overlap Joints Properly: Each piece of siding should overlap the one below it. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the appropriate overlap to prevent water from seeping in.

Nail Placement: Nail the siding through the nailing flange at the top of each panel, leaving room for expansion. Avoid overdriving the nails, as this can cause warping or distortion.

Allow for Movement: Vinyl siding expands and contracts with temperature changes. When securing the siding, allow enough space for this movement to avoid buckling or distortion.

Nailing and Fastening Tips

Nailing and Fastening

Nail Type: Use corrosion-resistant nails or screws designed explicitly for vinyl siding installation. Stainless steel or galvanized fasteners are ideal to prevent rusting.

Nail Placement: Space nails or screws evenly, following the manufacturer’s guidelines. Avoid nailing too close to the edges to prevent cracking or splitting.

Nail Depth: The nails should be snug but not overly tight. Leave a small gap to allow for siding movement during temperature changes.

Window and Door Trims: When installing siding around windows and doors, use J-channels and trim pieces to create a clean and finished look.

Addressing Common Installation Mistakes

Mistakes during vinyl siding installation can compromise the appearance and performance of your siding. Avoid these common errors:

Incorrect Overlapping: Improper overlap can lead to water infiltration and potential damage to your home’s structure.

Nailing Too Tightly: Nailing too tightly can cause the siding to warp, especially during hot weather.

Neglecting Proper Clearance: Failure to leave adequate clearance for siding movement can result in buckling or warping.

Incorporating Energy-Efficient Features

When updating your vinyl siding, consider incorporating energy-efficient features to improve your home’s insulation and reduce energy consumption. These upgrades not only benefit the environment but also lead to cost savings on your energy bills.

Benefits of Insulated Vinyl Siding

Insulated vinyl siding comes with a layer of foam insulation attached to the back of each panel. This added insulation provides several advantages:

Improved Energy Efficiency: The insulation helps reduce thermal bridging, keeping your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer.

Energy Cost Savings: By maintaining more stable indoor temperatures, insulated siding can lead to lower heating and cooling expenses.

Enhanced Comfort: Insulation minimizes drafts and temperature fluctuations, creating a more comfortable living environment.

Noise Reduction: The extra layer of insulation can also help reduce outside noise infiltration, providing a quieter indoor space.

Improving Energy Efficiency

In addition to choosing insulated vinyl siding, you can take other measures to enhance energy efficiency during the update:

Add House Wrap: Consider installing a moisture and air barrier, such as house wrap, before applying the siding. This additional layer helps prevent air leakage and further improves energy efficiency.

Seal Gaps and Cracks: Properly seal any gaps and cracks around windows, doors, and other openings to minimize air leakage and heat loss.

Upgrade Windows and Doors: If your budget allows, consider upgrading to energy-efficient windows and doors. These improvements further enhance your home’s insulation and energy performance.


Updating your vinyl siding like a pro will breathe new life into your home’s exterior. By following our expert guide and tips, you now have the knowledge and confidence to achieve a beautiful and energy-efficient result. Get ready to enjoy a transformed and inviting home with enhanced curb appeal and lasting value.

Let’s start your siding update project and watch your home shine!